Thursday, May 30, 2013

White Lace

Hi.  It's been a while, hasn't it?  This past year in college I didn't really have anyone to ask to take pictures of my outfits, and setting up a tripod either inside a tiny dorm room, or outside on the streets of Philly wasn't necessarily a great idea.  I did, of course, take the occasional selfie which you can find on my instagram account (@tfarnsworth) if you really care (though I doubt that all 16 of my followers do haha).

The air conditioning in my family's house has been non-functioning lately and the repairmen came today to work on it, though it won't be operational until tomorrow.  I'm just so tired of this heat by this point.  It's cooler outside than it is inside of my house, so I am writing this while sitting on my back porch, watching my dogs run around and the sun begin to set.

dress: H&M, thrifted
shoes: miss me, rummage sale
earrings: vintage, rummage sale

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