As far as my interests go, I am obsessed with thrift shopping and bargain hunting in general. I love thrift shopping and craigslist searching more than most people. I also love watching films, and am always open to recommendations. I am forever searching the criterion collection listings to choose my next movie to watch. I have dogs, love polka dots, used to be a competitive cyclist, and like to just enjoy the little things in life.
About me
My name is Taylor and I am a journalism student living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but also spend time back home in a more rural area of Pennsylvania. As a kid, I started out dressing in very interesting ways, but after a while fell into a slump of wearing sweatpants (I try not to think about my 5th grade year, especially haha), and not caring about my appearance. Ever since I started middle school, I attempted to project more of myself into my outfits. Although I started to discover my style in middle school by wearing my mom's old Doc Martens and bright green and pink leg warmers, I can't say that I truly figured out my style until recently. Once I discovered my love for the simplicity of black and white with a vibrant red pop (hello, red lipstick everyday), there was no turning back. Style is always evolving, so that's why I created this blog to document it all.
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