Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I don't feel young

Yesterday was my birthday!  I had a pretty decent day, just hanging out with my family (minus my sister).  It wasn’t exactly the most exciting birthday I’ve ever had, seeing that I went to 5 concerts for the week of my birthday last year, as well as buying myself the present of Arcade Fire tickets but, I really cannot complain.  This year I got take out from Red Lobster, a nice birthday cake, and a new camera, as well as the day at home with my family; can’t really ask for much more than that.
I am now 17, which seems like such a young age still, but I don't really feel young.  I strive to act maturely, and be treated as an adult, so it seems as though I may be wasting my youth striving to be an adult.  I just hope I won't waste my adult life striving to be a kid again.    
As for what I’m wearing, the dress I thrifted for about $3 at a Salvation Army; I was really happy when I found on the rack among quite a few strange looking pieces.  It looked quite good on the hanger, and I was excited to try it on.  My mom burst my bubble a little at first when she commented on how huge my shoulders would look (my shoulders have been compared to those of a line backer, haha).  Once I tried it on though, the dress was perfect!  The only change I made was clipping out the huge shoulder pads (imagine what my shoulders would have looked like before I took them out).  
I’ve only worn it one time before, and I got quite a few comments.  Many people actually thought that I paid quite a bit for it.  “Did you get that at Urban Outfitters?” “How much did that cost you?”… My response: “ummm, $3 at a Salvation Army.”  At least I know that I don’t look cheap!

Dress: thrifted
Shoes: Bandolino (Designer Shoe Warehouse)
Tights: Target
Purse: Vintage Coach
Owl ring: local consignment shop

currently listening to: Wye Oak- I don't feel young

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